Thursday, March 11, 2010


Many of you are probably familiar with the Levi's Jeans Go Forth advertisements which started airing last year. Personally I thought they were awesome, and I'm usually pretty critical of corporate ad campaigns. I was so taken by the ads that I actually decided to look up who was involved in making them, and I am quite glad I did.
Ryan McGinley is the photographer behind the print ads of that campaign as well as numerous others, If you are familiar with the Sigur Ros album "With a Buzz in Our Ears We Play Endlessly" then you've seen his work adorning the front cover.
His photography explores the wild side of humanity, not by way of the grit of vices but instead by capturing jovial romps through the wilderness, youthfulness to its most extreme. There is a mystical quality to his photographs, especially the Moonmilk series which is pure magic.
Marcus brought up the debate of whether or not photography is art in his last post, I think that Ryan McGinley's work reinforces that it is most certainly art.

A little warning: Basically all of his pictures contain nudity.


  1. I liked his work. Very raw, natural, and human. Honestly, I don't know how else you could describe it.

  2. Plus, who doesn't dig a good nudity motif?

  3. I believe that will serve as a rhetorical question.
