Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Three of a perfect pair, King Crimson Vs BTBAM

Hello! I have a pretty simple question for you guys, whose version of "Three of a perfect pair" do you like better? The King Crimson original or progressive metal band, Between the Buried and Me's cover?


  1. I'm going to have to go with BTBAM. Both versions are good, but the cover is more suited to my tastes, probably because the different vocalists.

  2. I gotta say the original, this is one of the songs that first got me into King Crimson way back when.
    But that's one awesome cover.

  3. I think I have to go with KC. Purely because both versions are so damn awesome, the tie has to go to the original version of the song.

    As far as awesome covers go, their cover of Counting Crow's Colour Blind is one of my favorite. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPwEZ9hwmgk
