Thursday, December 3, 2009

BAND OF THE WEEK #2: The Modern Electric

I will admit that I know absolutely nothing about this band except what they say in the mission statement that they posted on their myspace
We are from Cleveland Ohio, a city wrought with negative connotation. The mere mention of our town brings about scoffing! Eyes role in contempt! It seems that a cultural black cloud has hung over Cleveland for decades; held in place by the cynicism of the music industry and the lack of faith shown by artistic leaders. This stigma has given birth to a regional Dark Age. Any signs of light remain as "well-kept secrets", or are outsourced to the cities of societal favor: L.A., New York- bloated monotonous machines of industry whose glories fade as steel surely turns to rust. We, THE MODERN ELECTRIC, proclaim the coming of a Renaissance to Cleveland! The Dark Ages will be transformed by public reinvestment into Art! Beauty! Local music! Local galleries! Filled with Local artists! Local Boutiques! Local Ideas! Local blood pumping and rejuvenating the heart of Cleveland culture and expression! We shall be the desired destination! We shall be the Scene to which artistic nomads wander! They shall set their sails towards The Great Lake on which our empire stands! Hail Cleveland!

I really wish that more local bands had this mindset, especially here in Atlanta, a city who's music scene seems to hide itself.

Beyond having a great cause in front of them, this band has some exceptional music. They play some incredibly tight sounding piano-rock pop tunes and are most definitely worth lending your ears to. Usually when I talk to people about new music I attempt to impress them by describing the music or the artist. I'm not going to do that today, instead I will let the music impress you.

- Kevin

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